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What makes Trivia Addicts different is that, unlike the majority of trivia sites, we use full text answers, none of this multi-choice business!


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QuestionEnter Answer
1 - Who hosted a crazy Saturday night House Party?
2 - How is Declan McManus better known?
3 - Who stayed in the command module whilst Armstrong and Aldrin went moon walking?
4 - Which actress Glenn had a 'Fatal Attraction'?
5 - This instrument is used for measuring the distance between two points, on a curved surface.
6 - Which city, famous for its canals, did Canaletto paint?
7 - Who is known as the father of genetics?
8 - Which Australian tycoon started a 'circus' in the 1970s?
9 - Which is further west Algeria or Ethiopia?
10 - What do you say to Dolly in the title of the show?

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